depression Archives - The Indigo Project


  • Journaling: A How-To Guide

    Journalling has been shown, time and time again in the research, to be something that helps us manage our mental health and develop a deeper understanding about our thoughts, feeling and behaviours. Some of the benefits of journalling include: Helping to manage anxiety, Reducing stress, Dealing with depression, Helping you prioritise goals and clarify values, Helping you work through problems, fears and obstacles
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  • Facing fear when shit gets real

    It’s pretty tough to live in the now right now. When the future looms large with unpleasant possibilities and our present situation appears to continuously remind us of all that’s chaotic and uncertain. “Don’t be afraid”, “no need to panic” and “you need to calm down” are hearty battle cries from well-meaning folks who aren’t partial to anxiety or are trying to subtly soothe themselves. But denying the reality of our feelings during this time does a great dishonour to our emotional wellbeing and lived experience.
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  • What to do if your anxiety is through the roof because of the Aussie bushfires

    What a fucking year this week has been. Vast swathes of Australia are up in flames, people have lost homes, livelihoods and their lives, half a billion of our native animals have perished and the folks in power seem capable of little more than forcing limp handshakes. It can be an overwhelming and anxiety-inducing time for anyone who loves this beautiful country, not to mention anyone who cares about the fate of our planet.
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  • Spring Cleaning For The Soul

    We’re told to discard and dust off material things we no longer need but how often do we look within ourselves to see what we need to let go of? In celebration of Spring being the season of growth and rebirth, we’re taking this opportunity to declutter the dusty pockets of our mind, to make them fresh for the approaching new year.
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  • What you’re afraid of is smaller than you imagine

    As children, without the increased knowledge or experience to rationalise and put things in perspective, we find fear in lots of places. We learn from the world around us what is dangerous and what might hurt. And we pack up that fear and store it inside our bodies in order to keep us safe as we grow and explore the wider world.
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  • How to beat the winter blues

    It's not unusual to get a little blue around winter time. The drop in temperature, lack of sunlight, wet and dreariness can easily creep in and impact our mood and overall wellbeing. It's an important time of year to take good care of yourself - particularly if you find yourself feeling seasonably glum or irritable. Below are a few tips to help you ward off the winter blues, and find your invincible summer...
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